Fuelling the LNG Industry: LNGCON 2025 explores the future of the sector in Amsterdam - Revista Ingeniería Naval

Revista Ingeniería Naval

Fuelling the LNG Industry: LNGCON 2025 explores the future of the sector in Amsterdam

Fuelling the LNG Industry: LNGCON 2025 explores the future of the sector in Amsterdam
julio 17
12:00 2024

Bringing together leading LNG companies, the 11th International LNG Congress explores the latest trends and technologies of the industry. LNGCON takes place on 10-12 March 2025 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 


The International LNG Congress (LNGCON) is a closed-door event, empowering key players to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the LNG market. Gas majors, EPCs, LNG shipping and road transportation companies, terminals and ports, equipment manufacturers and service providers regularly become a part of LNGCON to share their experience and solutions. 

In 2025, LNGCON gathers C-level management and technical directors from leading companies of the sector, including Shell, TotalEnergies, Eni, bp, Engie, Snam, ADNOC, Pertamina and others. Moreover, companies Nordsol, Anthony Veder and Titan Clean Fuels support the Congress as regional partners.

The business programme features a variety of formats – sessions, roundtables, panel discussions and debates – on the range of topics:

  • LNG market in energy transition;
  • LNG as a transportation fuel;
  • hydrogen infrastructure development; 
  • decarbonisation potential of bio-LNG and synthetic LNG; 
  • technological advancement, commercial strategies and future predictions of the LNG sector. 

The Hydrogen Innovation Zone is a new feature of LNGCON 2025. It is a dedicated area to share viewpoints, experience and technical solutions. Delegates can present and discover the latest hydrogen advancements that give the competitive advantage in the rapidly growing hydrogen market. 

The Congress concludes with a visit to the first operational bio-LNG plant in the Netherlands, hosted by Nordsol, one of the sponsors of the Congress. This insightful experience allows attendees to witness the practical application of bio-LNG technology, a key driver of decarbonisation within the LNG industry.

The 11th International LNG Congress is a platform for leaders to share insights, forge new partnerships and navigate the evolving landscape of the LNG sector. 

Join LNGCON 2025 and be a part of this dynamic industry: https://lngcongress.com/ 

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