Número 3

Número 3: Abril 2015

Ingeniería Naval Académica. ISSN: 2340-4779


A next-generation of 3D CAD tool for basic ship design

Rodrigo Pérez Fernández, Verónica Alonso de los Ríos

Summary: Early ship design stages are where most of the decisions and costs are compromised, and where 2D drawings are still widely used. The idea of using a single tool for the whole process, starting with the creation of a 3D model at early design stages, has been profusely required in naval shipbuilding. It is not easy to convince the agents involved about the advantage of having increased work at early phases, although the effort will be rewarded downstream. This paper describes, in detail, the benefit of changing the process of ship design by using an advanced Computer Aided Design (CAD) tool from the early stages, describing how it will be an advantage in terms of quality and costs. The most remarkable benefits are the data integrity, the avoidance of long design periods and cost increases due to errors, re-work and inconsistencies. The main challenges refer to integration at all stages and disciplines by the use of a single CAD tool. It must be effective at all stages, from the quick definition of the 3D model to the transfer of modelling information to the analysis and calculation tools. This paper describes our findings in ship design, as an example of engineering work, using a shipbuilding oriented CAD System.

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Estado del arte de la tecnología medieval y su contribución al descubrimiento de América

J. J. Prieto; M. Ceccarelli; J.C. Fortes; J.A. Cabrera; R.E. Gonzalez

Resumen: El objeto de este trabajo consiste en poner a la luz la ingeniería mecánica y los mecanismos, que técnicamente posibilitaron el desarrollo de las Carabelas utilizadas en el descubrimiento de América. Esta base técnica ha sido a menudo olvidada entre los medios técnicos que hicieron posible el logro colombino, como la cartografía, la navegación, la construcción naval, etc. En este artículo, el estado de la ingeniería de máquinas y de diseño de mecanismos se discuten con miras a la aplicación específica naval en el siglo XV como contextualización de la aventura naval de Colón.

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